The artist Norton Maza was born in the commune of Lautaro, Araucanía Region, Chile, in 1971. He was exiled to France with his family in 1975, after two and a half years of imprisonment of his father, as a direct consequence of the coup d'état that took place there. He remained in France until 1980, when he crossed the Atlantic again to Cuba, where he began his art studies in 1983 at the Elementary School ‘Juan Pablo Duarte’ in Havana Province. In 1985 he entered the National School of Art ‘ENA’ where he graduated in 1989. He continued his higher studies in Art at the School of Fine Arts in Bordeaux-France until 1994. He returned to his native country where he is currently developing his work, which is linked to a fine exploration of the socio-cultural and political contrasts determined by globalisation. His work, highly committed, embraces, in an ironic way and charged with an unparalleled sensitivity, the expressly raw and emotional reality with which he has to interact.

He has participated in numerous international exhibitions and Biennials. He has also received art residencies and awards. His work is currently in private and public collections.