We live art!
We feature contemporary, international and sometimes unknown artwork, with a focus on great latin artists. in our gallery you can find artwork from established artists but also jewels from emerging or yet unknown artists.
Another fantastic feature of our gallery is that you can connect with the artists on a personal level. we offer detailed information and biography on our artists, allowing you to see the world from their perspective and understand better their motivations. this puts a new spin on their artwork, and you can connect to the pieces on a personal level.
From abstract artists to mathematical geniuses - in our gallery you can find artworks from a great variety of artists. we indulge in a spectrum of mediums, art styles, and more.
Maria Luisa Vidaurre, Antes de dormir$ 2,200.00
Maria Luisa Vidaurre, Comiendo Jaca$ 2,500.00
Maria Luisa Vidaurre, Niña con loros$ 2,200.00
Maria Luisa Vidaurre, Ofrenda$ 2,200.00
Jaeyeon Hong, Soul-188, 1985$ 3,200.00
Jaeyeon Hong, Soul-211, 1986$ 8,000.00
Jaeyeon Hong, Soul-92, 1983$ 8,000.00
Jaeyeon Hong, Work -1482, 2007$ 24,000.00
Jaeyeon Hong, Work-1270, 2004$ 3,200.00
Jaeyeon Hong, Work-1510, 2007$ 3,200.00
Jaeyeon Hong, Work-1689, 2009$ 9,600.00
Jaeyeon Hong, Work-1876, 2014$ 9,600.00
Jaeyeon Hong, Work-1942, 2016$ 16,000.00
Jaeyeon Hong, Work-1946, 2016$ 3,200.00
Jaeyeon Hong, Work-2052, 2017$ 24,000.00
Jaeyeon Hong, Work-206, 2020$ 24,000.00
Jaeyeon Hong, Work-2091, 2020$ 12,000.00
Jaeyeon Hong, Work-730, 1996$ 3,200.00
Jaeyeon Hong, Work-852, 1998$ 12,000.00
Jonghae Jeong, Face, 2017$ 11,200.00
Jonghae Jeong, Figure of the Artist, 2018$ 17,600.00
Jonghae Jeong, Prohibited Zone, 2019$ 24,000.00
Jonghae Jeong, Scent 1 (Flower Basket), 2020$ 11,000.00
Jonghae Jeong, Scream, 2019$ 11,000.00
Jonghae Jeong, Two Glasses, 2020$ 2,400.00
Jonghae Jeong, Wind, 2020$ 15,200.00
Jonghae Jeong, You. I, 2021$ 7,200.00
Jonghae Jeong, Dokdo Island, 2021$ 20,800.00
Jonghae Jeong, Face Expression, 2016$ 3,200.00
Jonghae Jeong, Leaf, 2018$ 2,400.00
Jonghae Jeong, Winter Flower, 2019$ 6,400.00
Roberto Matta, Homage to Federico Garcia Lorca, 1999$ 1,500.00
Giancarlo Bertini, Sin Titulo AZUL, 2019$ 2,500.00
Giancarlo Bertini, Sin Titulo ROJO, 2019$ 2,200.00
Palolo Valdes, Toro Minoico, 1999$ 25,000.00
Mota Montero, Black Nro 001, 2021$ 500.00
Mota Montero, Black Nro 002, 2021$ 500.00
Mota Montero, Black Nro 003, 2021$ 600.00
Mota Montero, Black Nro 004, 2021$ 500.00
Mota Montero, Chaos Cluster Nro 21, 2018$ 14,500.00
Mota Montero, Cluster Nro 19, 2018$ 12,000.00
Mota Montero, Cosmos Nro 01134, 2019$ 3,850.00
Mota Montero, Ilusiones Nro 9, 2019$ 5,600.00
Felipe Achondo, La Geisha , 2020$ 5,600.00
Mota Montero, Me Myself and I, 2019$ 750.00
Mota Montero, Night Sky on LSD, 2018$ 4,500.00
Paul Fuguet, Nipton Process, 2020$ 4,500.00
Giancarlo Bertini, Sandia, 2019$ 2,500.00
Mota Montero, Screams, 2021$ 9,000.00
Giancarlo Bertini, Sin Titulo AZUL, 2019$ 2,500.00
Mota Montero, Stardust Nro 023, 2020$ 4,250.00
Jaime O'Ryan, Toro, 2018$ 900.00
Mota Montero, Twins Nro 002, 2019$ 750.00
Guillermo Lorca, Animal god, 2021Sold
Guillermo Lorca, And the rest is silence, 2020Sold
Mota Montero, Behind The Forest Nro 001, 2022$ 600.00
Mota Montero, Behind Ther Forest Nro 002, 2022$ 600.00
Mota Montero, Bird Cage Nro 002, 2019$ 450.00
Mota Montero, Caged Bird Nro 001, 2019$ 450.00
Mota Montero, Caged Bird Nro 003, 2019$ 450.00
Mota Montero, Dark side of the Sun Nro 002, 2022$ 600.00
Mota Montero, Dark side of the Sun Nro 001, 2022$ 600.00
Pino Procopio, il parrucchiere I Il fotografo I Il musicista I Il Maestro, 2019$ 1,750.00
Roberto Matta, No Name, 1968$ 4,100.00
Damien Hirst, Pharmacy Silver, 2004$ 900.00
Pino Procopio, Piero, Fernanda ed il Cane, 2010$ 900.00