Rodrigo Fabri Chilean, b. 1975
Rodrigo Fabri was born 1977 in Santiago de Chile, 2002 He studied Art in the Universidad Catolica de Chile, also he studied Architecture in the Universidad Finis Terra.
His approach to Art, Architecture and Photography allowed him to express himself in a very radical but unique way, he moved away from the large formats canvases where he painted amazing insects in his Artropodos serie exhibited in the galeria de arte la sala in 2009.
Today he works mainly in small formats, using technology and also analog media as drawings and paintings.
His style is very unique and powerful morphing people and situations in something new and special
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Angaben gemäß § 5 TMG
José Montero, Kunstgalerie Montero Art (7806/03032) VAT DE322875975 “
Gustav Werner Strasse 27
72141 Walddorfhäslach
Vertreten durch:
José Miguel Montero Castillo
Telefon: +49 0176 56901374
Redaktionell verantwortlich
Jose Montero